3D Human Characters
3D Concept Art
3D character concept is the first stage of creating the 3D human character. AJSKLAND Softverse team will listen your idea carefully and put it all down on the paper. According to your idea, the team will create a rough on paper design of your character that you are going to use in your game or animated movie. With the help of on paper design it will be easy for you to imagine your actual character in your application. AJSKLAND Softverse team will also add some interval time to think about the on paper design, if it is ok with you then the process will be followed further.
3D Character Design
3D character design is the second stage of creating the 3D human character. At this stage, the process of creating the actual 3D character is on the go. AJSKLAND Softverse team will start doing some of the technical work on the 3D character according to your requirements. While designing your 3D character, our team continuously keep in touch with you, to show the progress and to take the on design process requirements. At this stage our team get real deep in what environment and theme of a game or movie you are using and according to that the character theme is designed.
3D Character Animation
3D character Animation is the third stage of completing the character creation process. This is the stage where our team start working on rigging and animating the character. Before creating any animations and applying those to the character, a deep information will be gathered from you about the behavior of the 3D character. According to the behavior that could be good enough for the character that will satisfy the needs of the environment and theme of your game or movie the animations are created. 3D character is rigged in such a way that the animations could be customized in future.